
Tuesday, 27 January 2009

Busy, busy, busy...

Will have no time later so am checking in now instead. Hoping to fit in a 'quick make' tonight, between tutoring, arriving home and going to orchestra! I've got some pork escalopes from the other night still in the fridge, so thought I might combine them with spiced apple sauce. I'm hoping to add a little spice to the (shop bought) apple sauce, layer on top of the escalope with grated cheese, roll and secure with a cocktail stick before pan frying for colour and finishing off in the oven for a few minutes. Might have a baked potato with it for ease, or maybe some herby buttered pasta with veg.

Will let you know how it all goes when I have more time!

1 comment:

  1. Goodness you are dedicated to cooking. Must be your creative side coming through. Made a card for my class yesterday and thought of you!


Would love to hear your thoughts and ideas!
Merlotti x