
Tuesday, 17 March 2009

Chocolate Fondants

Firstly, thanks to Dan for posting this recipe so promptly after my request! I made them as soon as I could and I wasn't disappointed. The recipe was so easy to follow, lots of eggs, butter and chocolate, but who cares? It is a dessert after all. I mixed the eggs with the sugar as requested; melted the butter with the chocolate; whipped it all together without scrambling the eggs and added the flour. I tipped it into buttered and floured ramekins - can't seem to get hold of Dariole moulds, any ideas? - and cooked two immediately - 10 mins in a hot oven. The other two I popped into the fridge to have the next night. Both the first set, and the second turned out perfectly. No, I couldn't get them out of the ramekins whole. but they were just as good dipping into them from the top! Delicious! In fact, I've even done them again this weekend for when mum and dad come down to visit.


  1. They look delicious, I got my dariole molds in Tesco but Lakeland stock them too, you can order online with them too.

    Have only cheated before and got the Gu version, which are delicious too! The other half doesnt like the gooey centres (strange boy!) so not worth making them for him unfortunately!

  2. Forgot to post link, is lakelands version :)

  3. Love these fondants, really glad to see you enjoyed the recipe.

    Dariole moulds, As Anne says supermarkets normally have them. I think I got mine from Sainsburys, in their cookware aisle.

    As for not being able to get them out of the ramekins....might be the lack of the elusive Dariole moulds....liberally buttered and floured, the fondants normally drop out of the moulds easily.

  4. chocolate fondants have always been my favourite... yours look wonderful! only just discovered your blog and couldn't resist bookmarking it, so will be back for seconds ;-))

  5. You're a brave girl to make these, but it looks like they turned out well!!


Would love to hear your thoughts and ideas!
Merlotti x