
Sunday, 10 May 2009

Duck with Warm Potato Salad

I had collected many home-grown bits and pieces from the garden and wanted to put them to use in my version of salsa verde. Also had two duck breasts so this is what I did...

Roast Duck Breast, Hot Potato Salad and Warm Salsa Verde
with Duck Crackles

For the potatoes, simply peel, cube and boil. When just cooked, mix with several dollops of creme fraiche, chopped chives and mint and season with salt and pepper. Push into cooking rings and brown under a hot grill.

For the duck, pan fry on a hot heat to sear the outside then pop into the oven for a few minutes to finish off.

For the salsa verde, I wanted to use all the new spring greens from the garden so finely sliced cabbage leaves, a range of herbs including parsley and sage, broad beans and leeks. Simply pan fry all until just soft. Make a quick vinaigrette with 3 parts olive oil to 1 part balsamic vinegar and toss into the veg.

The Duck Crackles is simply the skin, placed directly onto the oven shelf and roast at 140 degrees for about 40 minutes. I'd advise a tray underneath to catch all the fat! Don't worry if it still looks soft when you take it out - it'll crisp up as it cools!

It's an easy and quite quick dinner. In hindsight, I'd cook the veg for less long and remove the broad beans from their pods, even though they were quite young and soft. It was a sort of first attempt at this meal, so I'll definitely make it again and, hopefully, improve go by go!


  1. Duck and Potatoes - two of my favourite things. Looks lovely, I'd be extremely happy to be given that plate of food to eat.

  2. Merlotti, duck is my favorite poultry. It just tastes more delicious then any other poultry. Your recipe of Roast Duck Breast, Hot Potato Salad and Warm Salsa Verde, sounds so tempting with Duck Crackles , especially that salsa, yummy!


Would love to hear your thoughts and ideas!
Merlotti x