
Thursday, 5 August 2010

Il Bordello, Wapping

My husband knows this place well and although I’ve never been before, I’d always heard good things: the position sizes are infamous! So where better than for our first wedding anniversary? It’s a local Italian on Wapping High St. and is well known in the area especially. As well as good quality, home cooked pizzas and pastas to eat in, they also make these delicious dishes to take away. (If I lived locally I don’t think I’d ever cook again!)

As we walked in, there was a huge lasagne on the pass ready to be delivered and I knew then that I wouldn’t need to look at the menu! Now, when I eat out, I usually choose something I’d never make or eat at home if possible, and lasagne is something I make with my eyes closed. But this just looked so delicious I couldn't resist.

The garlic mushrooms had also been recommended so I though what the hell and ordered.


And the rumours were correct…portion sizes were huge and they don’t skimp on the fat content either! The mushrooms did need seasoning with more slat and pepper but were coated in a rich garlicky oil that made you want more! The OH chose baked avocado with tomato sauce and mozzarella, which again was very rich.


My lasagne duly arrived in good time and I got stuck in. One flavour which really shone through, unusually for lasagne I thought, was fennel, but it was a welcome addition. I did, however, have to give up after only managing a third. Some people have suggested that the huge portions are a waste of food and that they should make them smaller, but the waiter was more than happy to pop the rest into a takeaway carton for me to have for lunch the next day though!


The OH ate all of his Pasta with Salmon and wiped the bowl clean. 


With a bottle of red, a simple bottle of house Italian, two starters and two main courses, and service, the total bill came to £50. £25 a head…consider what you pay for a sandwich / salad and drink at lunch every day, £7? With home-cooked, delicious food, and a lively and friendly atmosphere, I’d love to have this on my doorstep.

1 comment:

  1. Very hearty dishes indeed. I've always walked past here in favour of the Wapping Project. Have you been? Will be sure to try your recommendation in due course.


Would love to hear your thoughts and ideas!
Merlotti x