
Sunday, 13 November 2011

Apéritifs – Figs with cream cheese wrapped in Parma ham

I’m always on the look out for new and interesting apéritifs / amuse bouche ideas to go with that pre-dinner drink, as these are usually my favourite part of a meal. I have been known to simply eat rather too many and not have room for any dinner at all (although my OH might suggest the cocktails consumed alongside them may have also been to blame!)


These were brought to me via my mum, whose friend (bizarrely, my old English teacher and form tutor at high school) makes these as one of her amuse bouche, and they really are delicious: a simple combination of sweet and salty makes them irresistible, and you’ll have to refrain from going to make more. In fact, I suggest you use the whole pack of figs as you’ll always want / need more!

They are incredibly simple, and you’ll only need ripe figs, cream cheese and dry-cured ham, such as Parma. Writing that has just reminded me of a limited edition cook book produced by the regions involved in the Discover the Origin campaign which coincided with Fair-Trade fortnight back in February.

“ ‘Discover The Origin’ was created by the EU to make consumers more knowledgeable about what they are buying and where it comes from. They want to support local artisans who use traditional methods that have been handed down from generation to generation to create delicious food. These are people who care passionately about what they do. The result is natural products containing no artificial additives or preservatives, simply good honest food and wines that have not been tampered with.

In short by buying protected destination of origin stamped food (PDO) you are supporting honest trade/ craft/ tradition and means you get to eat and drink better! ”

Anyway, like I said, it’s the saltiness of the Parma ham against the sweetness of the figs and the creaminess of the cheese that really makes this work. Simply quarter the figs, spoon a little (or a lot) of cream cheese onto each piece and wrap in Parma ham. Serve with a chilled class of Chablis.


1 comment:

  1. Ooh sounds like a really lovely combination, am on lookout for xmas starters/ canapes, will just have to test in advance ;-)


Would love to hear your thoughts and ideas!
Merlotti x