
Monday, 10 September 2012

Garlic & Bacon Chicken

Last week, I was, as usual, scrabbling around in the bottom of the fridge trying to come up with something to do with two chicken breasts and some smoked bacon. There wasn’t a lot else left to make any sort of sauce, so I settled on a simple, but tasty, garlic butter stuffed and bacon wrapped dinner.

Recently, I have been sent several products to trial in the kitchen to help with any recipes. So this was the perfect time to try out the Medium roaster from Great British Bakeware. I go through roasting tins faster than anyone I know, probably because I usually opt for the cheapest, so I was a little hesitant to use such a nice one, fearing I will never be able to give it the care it deserves. Anyway, I followed the simple preparation instructions of washing the tin, then began to create the chicken.


It’s simply a case of slitting open the breast, with the mini-fillet left attached to act as a wrapper. Then adding crushed garlic and butter. Roll the fillet and wrap in bacon. Place into the roasting tin and pop into a pre-heated oven. I had the oven up high to begin with in order to give the bacon a good chance at going crispy, then turned it down to ensure the chicken cooked through, then up again at the end to brown.


Apologies for the lack of pictures of the finished dinner but we ate it before there was a chance! It was, however, a quick and tasty dinner. I served it with mash.

And the roasting tin? Well, I left it sitting while we ate, then cleaned it up after. With warm soapy water, the burnt crispy bits slid off easily with a nylon-type sink brush. It still looks like new, although I’ve only used it once. I feel the real trial for this product will be how well it fares when I get sloppy with the ‘looking after’ of it in terms of not using metal utensils, leaving it for three days before cleaning, etc. You know the type of thing! I’ll let you know.

Disclaimer: Although I was sent products to try for the purpose of this post, all views and opinions are entirely my own, truthful and honest.

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Merlotti x