
Monday, 19 November 2012

Abra-ca-Debora Pancake Supper


I’m always on the look out for new ideas and quick and easy supper recipes, so was eager to get started when these pancakes arrived on my doorstep, along with a few other items to get started. I had, however, already chosen how I was going to use them.


The savoury pancakes would be used as a receptacle for Tartiflette, the sweet as a base for a Banoffee Pancake Cake! Tartiflette is one of my all time favourite cold winter recipes, so is perfect as the nights draw in. It’s simply a case of frying off lardons and sliced onions, seasoning, parboiling chopped potatoes then browning with the lardons.


Next, pour in a little cream, transfer to an ovenproof dish, top with Reblochon cheese and bake.


For exact quantities, see below. When bubbling and brown, spoon over a hot pancake.



The Banoffee cake was more of an experiment, but perfect if you’ve forgotten to make a pudding, as I had, when friends arrive for dinner. I made this in approximately 5 minutes whilst chatting! Simply stack then heat your sweet pancakes in the microwave. Meanwhile, whisk some double cream and chop a couple of bananas. If you wanted, you could even use squirty cream for ease. When the pancakes are heated through, top with half a can of Carnation Caramel (they’ve heated and caramelised it for you already, so no tin boiling required!), sliced banana, whipped cream and a sprinkle of cocoa.


The pancakes, especially since they have a delicious vanilla flavour, act as the perfect quick base for this easy pudding.

If I made the Tartiflette Pancakes again, I think I’d try an easier way. I’d fry off the onions and lardons and parboil the potatoes as before. Then, I’d use the pancakes to wrap the mixture (like making Enchiladas), including a slice of the Reblochon, and lay the rolled pancakes side by side in a dish. I’d pour over the cream, top with any leftover cheese and bake til the cream had thickened. I think this would cut out a step or two and be generally easier.


You could even layer a pancake flat, top with the mixture, include a slice of cheese and lay another pancake, mixture, etc., as with a lasagne, then pour the cream over and bake.

Although the pancakes seemed quite stiff when removed from the packet, once heated, they were a nice texture. And I particularly enjoyed the sugariness of the sweet ones, even simply melting some chocolate and pouring on top for one quick treat!

Tartiflette: Serves 3/4

1 pack Abra-ca-Debora original Dutch pancakes

200g smoked lardons

1 large onion, sliced

150mls single cream

3/4 medium sized potatoes, peeled and cubed

1 Reblochon

Banoffee Pie: Serves 6

1 pack Abra-ca-Debora sweet Dutch pancakes

150ml double / whipping cream

1/2 small tin Carnation Caramel

2 bananas


Disclaimer: Although I was sent products to try for the purpose of this post, all views and opinions are entirely my own, truthful and honest.

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Merlotti x