
Sunday, 23 February 2014

Pea & Ham Soup–Winter Warmer


I don't often make soup, but this was one I tried a few months ago to use up some sad looking vegetables and some ham from the roast. A large 'batch' was therefore created and much of it put into pots for the freezer with the ham chopped and stored separately. When we unearthed it some weeks later, it was just as tasty as I had first remembered, but I hadn't any idea how I might have made it in the first place. So today, I attempted the recreation.


A simple case of chopping an onion and softening in some butter. Then adding chopped potato, just one, and stirring around for a bit. After that, pour in stock and simmer until the potato has cooked. Tip in some peas and boil for another few minutes. Season to taste then blend. If it's too thick, add a little more stock or water. Sit some chopped ham / gammon in the middle and grind some black pepper over the top. If you prefer to follow a recipe, this BBC one is the one I glanced at before beginning, and also used the picture above from: I forgot to take any of my own, but then, how different can pea and ham soup look?!

I was amazed that this second time, I had managed to get it right! Just as tasty and just the right texture...perfect for packed lunch in my new bento boxes!


Picture from bbc website.

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Merlotti x