
Saturday, 31 January 2009

SCC takes precendence

Apologies for the lack of post yesterday. Time grew short during the day and an important SCC meeting couldn't be missed in the evening! SCC, for those of you not involved, stands for Swansea Curry Club. Food usually sets the tone for these evenings, and, this being a food blog, you'd be expecting the curries to be the 'star' of this particular post. Last night, however, too much chatting and general merriment reigned, so a thorough analysis will have to wait until the next event, from which I will give you a detailed food review!

The meeting was a reunion of all those who attended the annual conference, held this time in Goa. As usual, the atmosphere was one of bubbly enthusiasm, excitement and anticipation at the prospect of the main presentation and we were not to be disappointed. Our host had excelled himself; the conference room itself was fantastically equipped and all enjoyed reminiscing over those halcyon days, waiting (some longer than others!) for the fish to bite. Food, as is usual at these events, was organised very well, thanks to Stuart / Matt and our host. The local Indian take-away provided more food than we could shake a stick at and in particular, several members found the green chilli madras worthy of note! (Click here for a recipe.) Despite having to leave earlier than most - you just don't know when that last train to Benelux will depart - and my lack of drinking ability, I'd like to congratulate all involved in hosting yet another successful SCC event.

Now, onto other matters. Thursday night's tea! A simple recipe, quick to whip up in a short time: Salmon Parcels. Take a fillet of salmon and place in the centre of a large piece of foil. Mix up a couple of spoonfuls of wholegrain mustard with a large dollop of creme fraiche. Spoon over the salmon, then fold foil loosely around it. Easy. I served it with savoury rice.

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Merlotti x