
Tuesday, 24 March 2009

Deconstructed Pork Stroganoff

Having spent Sunday gardening and planting, see my other blog to find out more, I thought a well deserved rest and book catch-up was in order in the hot tub. The garden looked great, dad had mowed the lawn for me last week and the birds were tweeting away, mainly at the cat who was upset he couldn't get into the spa with me!

It arrived at half past five without me realising, and I began to wonder what I was having for tea as I knew there was little in the fridge. Having investigated the freezer, (which didn't take long as I only have a small fridge with a tiny freezer compartment at the top!) I found a pork chop. I also had some left-over creme fraiche from the night before and mum had bought me a pot of smoked hot paprika, so stroganoff it was!

I began by frying off some leeks, mushroom and garlic until tender. I then 'swapped' these for the pork and fried until just cooked. This I then rested and returned the vegetables to the pan with a sprinkle of hot smoked paprika, seasoning and a large splodge of creme fraiche. I served this mixture on top of the pork chop, rather than cutting it up and popping into the sauce, and a green salad. Considering it was something out of nothing, it was really delicious, and the smoked hot paprika was actually very subtle, and not at all like it tasted when I tried a bit on the end of my tongue after first opening!


  1. Just the sort of meal I love, pulling together some leftover bits and pieces and making something delicious out of it. Very satisfying.

  2. Going to have to get me some of this hot version, remember you mentionning it on twitter, glad to have picture now to hunt it down!

    Your dinner looks tasty, is amazing sometimes where a dish made from the cupboards ends up being better than expected!


Would love to hear your thoughts and ideas!
Merlotti x