
Sunday, 22 March 2009

Last Minute Saturday

Well, the boyfriend is going away for a week to a wedding in Mexico this week - so not fair that I can't go too, but that's teaching, and no jokes about all the other weeks holiday I get please! We were going to go out for dinner/tea, but then the plans changed as he and his brothers were taking their mum out for mothers' day, so we went out for lunch instead. Then it changed again, and he ended up staying in for the evening, playing the PS2 with his brother, and after, making tea for us.

We began with nachos for starters, simply a jar of sauce poured over nachos, with grated cheese atop and a dollop of soured cream when done! The salsa is so easy to make yourself though. Just chop some onions, peppers and chilli finely, fry off a little and stir into a tin of chopped tomatoes. Add seasoning to taste.

For main course, he was insistent on tuna, and even remembered to take it out of the freezer to defrost! He cooked and served it simply and it was beautiful. Pan-fry until seared, then slice over a green salad with a splash of soy sauce and grated ginger on the side. Mmm. we decided that had he found the spring onions in the fridge and some sesame seeds in the cupboard, they would have also added taste and texture! Thanks hun, enjoy your week in Mexico!

1 comment:

  1. Am very jealous of your boyfriend! Spent 2 weeks in Mexico last year and didn't want to come back!

    Seared tuna looks delicious :)


Would love to hear your thoughts and ideas!
Merlotti x