
Saturday, 19 September 2009

Individual Toads in their Holes!

I was so upset to hear the news that Terry was leaving the breakfast show, but then so pleased Chris Evans would replace him: then so upset that I wouldn't get my usual 'music to cook by' on Chris' afternoon show every day - what will I do? Will the quality of my cooking decline without the laughter that goes with it each evening? I don't know, but I do know that Simon Mayo as a replacement won't come close.

On Thirsty Thursdays in the last few weeks, Nigel has been cooking comfort food recipes and it was the turn of the traditional Toad in the Hole: my inspiration and something I've been building up to as, until this week, I had never attempted a homemade Yorkshire Pudd - too afraid of it not rising! But, having looked over several recipes, I decided it didn't matter how I made my batter. Some were egg based with self raising flour, others used just one egg, plain flour and milk. Many combined water with the milk...I just didn't know what to go with, so I began with Delia! I didn't however, use water as I was using skimmed milk so combined the water and milk quantities.

1egg, 75g plain flour, 5fl oz skimmed milk (I know I'm mixing metric and imperial here, but its the way I work!), mix together without lumps! Now, when I'd made this batter I decided it didn't look like I was going to have enough to make 6 puddings, so I made up another batch and mixed it in, but this time I used 1 egg, about 40g self raising flour, 1-2 fl oz water and a pinch of baking powder: yes, you read it right, self raising flour AND baking powder: I was determined! I browned off the sausages in the pan, popped them into individual silicone muffin moulds and added a splash of sunflower oil to each, then put into a hot oven until I couldn't wait any longer. I tipped in the batter mix, put the timer on for 15 mins and went to catch up with Corrie!

Not seeing them was almost distracting me from discovering if Leanne and Peter would ever get together, but then I heard a sizzling noise, so just had to investigate! I nearly screamed when I peered into the oven: not only had they risen, but they'd grown so high they'd 'spat out' the sausages, some of which were now lying strewn across the oven floor! This didn't, however, concern me too much as I was so excited about the Pudds having risen! I even called mum to celebrate!

I served them with Jamie's Onion Gravy and cabbage from the garden with a lump of the herb butter from the salmon recipe! The pudds were soft and spongy at the bottom and crisp and crunchy at the top - perfect! I'll definitely not be afraid to give them another go, and maybe leave out the self-raising flour and baking powder, just to see!


  1. Hey Span,

    I think you're wrong about Mayo. He is very understated and I'm sure he'll do well. That said, who will take over his slot in the afternoon's on 5live? I'm confused!

    Just about to head out for my weekly food shop so have popped on here to get some inspiration. Not sure what I'm going to go for yet but I'll be sure to let you know.

    Much love,


    P.S. Can we borrow your drill in the next week or so?

  2. Titto: Mayo is not very bright and I find his inane chattering boring!
    Yes - you can borrow the drill, pop over and collect whenever!
    Keep me uptodate with the food!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.


Would love to hear your thoughts and ideas!
Merlotti x